Clarification on Bilateral Agreement between Cyprus and United States
On 13.10.2022 the Cyprus Tax Department notified all legal entities and their official representatives that the Bilateral Competent Authority Arrangement (CAA) for the exchange of Country-by-Country (CbC Reports) between Cyprus and the United States of America for Reporting Fiscal Years will be effective on or after 01.01.2022. As a result, if the Ultimate Parent Entity […]
Provisional Tax Liability by Newly Incorporated Companies
According to the recent interaction between the Commissioner of Taxation and the Tax Compliance Committee of ICPAC (“The Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus”), no penalties or interest should be imposed on the entity which was incorporated within the period from 31.07.2022 (first installment of the provisional tax) to 31.12.2022 ( second installment) in […]
New Non-Domiciled Rules in Cyprus
Forward As part of the overall exertion to improve Cyprus’ attractiveness as an international business and financial center, and in order to remain highly compliant as a traditional jurisdiction, the House of Representatives on 16 July 2015 passed a number of new laws. One of the changes, introduced the new status of a “non-domicile” (non-dom) […]
Achieving Substance in Cyprus
Introduction The intensifying initiatives in global tax reforms like the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) initiative created by Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) along with many of localized tax reform efforts, create a negative impact for multinational businesses. In addition, it is more popular that the countries implement Controlled Foreign Company (CFC) […]
Implementation of CRS in Cyprus as of 1 January 2016
In order to protect the integrity of tax systems and the fight against tax avoidance, governments around the world bring the standard automatic exchange of information in tax matters called Common Reporting Standard (CRS). The CRS is a set of global standards for the automatic exchange of financial information, developed by the Organization for Economic […]
We would like to remind our clients and contacts about the upcoming deadline for submission of the 2nd declaration concerning provisional tax for the year 2015. Computation of Temporary Tax According to art. 24 of the Assessment and Collection of Taxes Law No.4 of 1978, as amended, the official deadline for submission of the Provisional […]
Annual Levy of EUR 350.00 – companies registered in Cyprus
Please be informed that as per the Article 391 of the Companies law (as amended Law No. 6(I)/2013), it is obligatory to pay the annual fee (Annual Levy) for all companies registered in Cyprus. The fee equals to EUR 350.00 (three hundred and fifty euros) and has to be paid to the Registrar of Companies […]