Upcoming Events

Investments and business incentives in Georgia, Batumi Business Forum

Benefits of doing business in Georgia and reliable investment opportunities will be introduced within the intentional business and professional community. 

The event is addressed to professionals, entrepreneurs, corporate service providers, business executives and individuals having an interest in exploring tax, legal, business and investment incentives of Georgia.

Important note: the previous events were successfully held in Georgia, Poland and Cyprus attracting more than a few hundred business people from all over the world.

Read More 19 July 2022 - 23 July 2022

Past Events

Investments and business incentives in Adjara, Georgia

The first Business event in Batumi organized by IBCCS Georgia and Cyprus-Georgia Business Club with the support of the Government of Autonomous Republic of Adjara

Benefits of doing business in Georgia and reliable investment opportunities will be introduced within the intentional business and professional community.

The event is addressed to professionals, entrepreneurs, corporate service providers, business executives and individuals having an interest in exploring tax, legal, business and investment incentives of Georgia.

Read More 10 December 2021

Estonia, Georgia, Cyprus: tax incentives & relocation 7 February 2020, Tallinn, Estonia

Seminar: Estonia, Georgia, Cyprus: tax incentives & relocation describing various interesting tax and business incentives of each of the jurisdictions. 

The event is addressed to entrepreneurs, business executives, lawyers, tax advisors, accountants, and individuals having interest in expanding their network and seeking for business and/or investments opportunities.

Read More 02 February 2020

Seminar: tax incentives and investments in Georgia

This is the first edition of seminar related to Georgia organised in Limassol.

The main target of the event is to introduce the benefits of doing business and investments in Georgia within the Cypriot business and professional community. The Seminar is addressed to Cypriot professionals, entrepreneurs, corporate service providers, business executives and individuals having interest in exploring tax, legal, business and investment incentives of Georgia.

Read More 18 July 2019

Polish-Georgian Business Forum 2019: Doing Business and Investment in Tax Beneficial Environment of Georgia

This is the second edition of the Polish-Georgian Business Forum organised in Warsaw.
The main target of the event is to strengthen the relations between Polish and Georgian businesses. The Forum is addressed to Polish entrepreneurs, business executives and individuals having interest in expansion, investments and international trade with Georgia.

The first event was a huge success that attracted more than 200 business people from both countries.

Read More 01 January 2019

Doing Business and Investment in Georgia: Incentives and Opportunities

This is the first business forum organized by EU-Georgia Business Council (EUGBC) in association with IBCCS Georgia LLC. The main target of the event is to initiate a constant B2B communication platform for Polish and Georgian business affairs. The Forum is addressed to entrepreneurs, business executives and individuals having interest in cooperating with Georgia and Poland.

Read More Nov 09, 2017

The Ultimate Addons For Elementor

A new concept of showing content in your web page with more interactive way.

Read More Nov 09, 2017