Employment and HR – Significant Changes in Cyprus

The Council of Ministers issued a set of regulations, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Cyprus on 3 September 2021, announcing that the application of the Social Insurance Regulations of 2017 shall become effective as of 13 September 2021. The said regulations will substitute the Social Insurance Regulations of 2010 as amended.

We have listed the regulations that have been modified below:

  • Registration of employers

Employers should register, by submitting the relevant registration form at least one day (previously: one month) before becoming an employer.

  • Registration of employees and self-employed persons

Employees need to communicate to their employers their identity card (ID) and social insurance number at least one day before the commencement of their employment.

In case there are employees who are not registered with the Social Insurance Services, their employer must submit the relevant application form within seven days (previously: one month) from the commencement of their employment.

Self-employed persons need to register with the Social Insurance Services at least one day (previously: one month) before the commencement of their employment.

  • Certificate of commencement of employment

It is noted that as from 13 September 2021, the issuance and use of the “Certificate of commencement of employment” will be abolished.

  • Communication of hiring employees

Employers must communicate the hiring of an employee by completing and submitting a relevant form at least one day before the hire date. The said form can only be submitted electronically via the system Ergani.

  • Maintenance a recruitment register

Employers must maintain an employee recruitment register, apart from an emoluments register, which includes the following information for each employee:

  • Sequence number of hiring
  • Name and surname
  • Identity Card (ID) number
  • Social Insurance number
  • Date of hire
  • Date of commencement of employment.

The register, which can also be maintained electronically, should be available for inspection at any reasonable time.