Citizenship by naturalization for highly skilled professionals in Cyprus

On November 30th 2023, Cyprus Parliament approved important changes on the Article 111 of the Population Register Law of 2002 (141(I)/2002.

The amendment allows highly skilled professionals to apply for Cypriot citizenship already after residing in Cyprus for a period of 3 to 4 years (depending on the knowledge of the Greek language).


The amended law is the final incentive from the so-called “Action Plan”, introduced in 2022 to attract tech businesses and expats.

Most of the proposals have already been implemented (i.e.: expats tax reliefs, digital nomad visa, facilitation in hiring of 3rd country nationals) and now the new rules for naturalization were voted.

The special provisions of the new legislation

The special provisions of the naturalization process are addressed to expats with high qualifications and skills in the technology sector and employed by certain foreign interest companies.

Only for them the standard period of residing in Cyprus is reduced – to four years for applicants having a certificate of knowledge of the Greek language of A2 level, and three years in case of having the certificate of B1 level.

The examination process for the application will follow the fast-track route and shall take no longer than eight months.


  • legal and continuous physical stay in Cyprus for the twelve months preceding the application for naturalization (absence of up to 90 days is allowed) and intention to stay in Cyprus;
  • clean criminal record; not posing a threat to the public order and safety; entry or exit through unrecognized territories are grounds for disqualification;
  • suitable housing and a stable income, of minimum of € 2,500 – through employment in high skilled sectors and foreign interest companies (to be determined by a decision of the Council of Ministers from time to time);
  • sufficient knowledge of the Greek language: certificate of basic knowledge:

– Level B1 – for applicants after 3 years of residency,

-Level A2 – for applicants after 4 years of residency;

  • basic knowledge of the basic political and social affairs of Cyprus;
  • high academic and professional qualifications.

Family members can also apply for citizenship, under the same condition.


The main provisions of the new legislation

At the same time, the main provisions of the new legislation are now less beneficial for standard applicants.

Applications can be submitted by residents who have completed at least 8 years of physical stay (instead of 7 as it was before). Applicants must have a certificate of basic knowledge of the Greek language (Level B1) and basic knowledge of the Island’s history and political/social status.

As per the new Law, all applications submitted before the new legislation entered into force – will be examined following the new criteria. Both knowledge of Greek and the 8-years duration of legal and physical stay will need to be proved.


IBCCS TAX – we are at your disposal

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need additional information about residency or naturalizaton. We are here to assist you and find the best solution.

For further enquiries, please contact us by email on or call our office in Cyprus on +357 222 58 777.