Tax Reform in Cyprus – First Proposals and Potential Impact Introduction

Cyprus Tax Reform Proposal

Cyprus is preparing to roll out significant tax reforms designed to modernise its tax system while preserving its status as an appealing business destination. The Economics Research Centre (CypERC) has recently released a Tax Reform Proposal after engaging with stakeholders, policymakers, and experts. These reforms aim to improve tax efficiency, stimulate economic growth, and bring […]

Confirmation of Information in the UBO Register

During the period from 1st October to 31st December of each calendar year, every entity in Cyprus must confirm electronically its beneficial owners. The Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property (DRCIP) announced that all entities incorporated or registered in Cyprus must log into the register of ultimate beneficial owners (UBO) between October 1, […]

ATAD 3: economic substance requirements


In December 2021, the European Commission published the first proposal for the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive 3 (ATAD 3). Its goal is to tackle the abuse of companies that do not carry out any economic activities – namely shell entities. Therefore, the directive is also known as the “Unshell Directive”. The proposal was approved by the […]

Marshall Islands & Substance Reporting

As of November 1, 2023, the Trust Company of the Marshall Islands has implemented a penalty fee of USD 500 for entities failing to adhere to Economic Substance Reporting (ESR). This move comes as part of the country’s commitment to upholding international standards and remaining in the European Union’s whitelist.   Reporting obligation Since 2020 […]

UAE Tax Landscape: 9% CIT

The United Arab Emirates is no longer a zero-tax jurisdiction. We were informing about this major shift in our article, back in June 2023: Certain exemptions apply, however many of the businesses will now pay a corporation tax. On-shore entities, as well as Free Zone entities involved in transactions with on-shore entities, will be subject […]

What’s new in Cyprus in 2024?

We are highlighting 10 changes in laws and regulations that came into force this year or are expected soon.   1. Introduction of 15% Global Minimum Tax At the end 2022, the Council of the EU adopted the Directive ensuring a global minimum level of taxation -15%, for multinational enterprise groups and large-scale domestic groups. […]

One-stop-shop services for Cyprus shipping companies

On 07.10.2022 the Cyprus Parliament has adopted the Law on the Limited Liability Shipping Company (SLLC) of 2022, which establishes the official competent authority, the Register of LLSC’s with the purpose of promoting stop-shop framework for ship-owning companies. The Law creates a new category of a corporate entity named as “Shipping Limited Liability Company” or […]


On 22 December 2021, the European Comission published the Proposal for a Council Directive 2021/0434, also known as the Anti tax Directive III („ATAD III“), with the stated intention being to prevent the misuse of so-called „shell“ entities for the tax purposes. ATAD III  aims to highlight the importance  of minimal substance requirements and is  applicable to […]

Additional Corporate Tax Residency Test – our remarks

On 21.12.2021, amendment 193(I)/2021 to the Income Tax Law has been published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Cyprus by adopting an additional test for determination of corporate tax residency based on the incorporation principle. The new amendments will come into force on 31 December 2022. It provides that any company having its […]

The Changes in the Minimum Wage in Cyprus

On 31.08.2022 the decree on the minimum wage has been adopted during the meeting of the Council of Ministers, which will be implemented under Article 3(1) of the Minimum Wage Law, Cap 183 as from 01.01.2023. New Minimum Wage Within first six months of employment in the Republic of Cyprus the minimum wage will be […]