Jak obostrzenia związane z pandemią wpływają na regulacje dotyczące rezydencji podatkowej na Cyprze?

Ponieważ obecna sytuacja zmusiła rządy do podjęcia bezprecedensowych środków (ograniczenia w podróżowaniu, kwarantanna itp.), pojawiają się problemy dotyczące interpretowania skutków podatkowych w razie nieplanowanego czy też przedłużonego pobytu w danym kraju. Zwłaszcza osoby, które spotkał „lockdown” w kraju, który nie jest ich krajem rezydencji (w tym podatkowej), np. na Cyprze, czy w Polsce, mogą mieć […]

Impact of COVID-19 measures on the tax residence status in Cyprus

Last week the Tax Department issued a Circular along with the Implementing Instructions[1] on the application of the provisions on tax residence and permanent establishment in the context of the circumstances of the pandemic. Cyprus is following the guidance called “Analysis of Tax Treaties and the Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis” issued by OECD in […]

Recent and important updates in regards to tax regulations and procedures in Cyprus:

Compulsory submission of tax returns Up until 2019, individuals with gross taxable income not exceeding €19.500, were not required to submit a tax return in Cyprus. From tax year 2020 almost all individuals earning taxable income, irrespective of the amount, will have the obligation to submit a personal income tax return, unless they meet certain […]

Tax certificate for Cyprus residents – is it worth to apply for?

As a general rule, individuals who spend at least 183 days per calendar year in Cyprus are considered Cyprus tax residents. However, according to the “60-day rule” introduced in 2017, also a person who satisfies all the below conditions can become a Cyprus tax resident: residing in the territory of Cyprus for at least 60 […]


Cyprus has a system of self-assessment for corporation tax. All Cyprus tax resident companies have to pay provisional tax based on the estimated current year’s profits (2020) in two instalments: 1st instalment: 31 July 2020; 2nd instalment: 31 December 2020. Therefore, we would like to remind our clients and associates about the upcoming deadline for […]

Tax and VAT measures of the Cyprus Government

We would like to inform about certain actions implemented by the Cyprus Government in order to support the country’s economy, as a consequence of the unprecedented events of the pandemic. The increased contributions to the General Health Scheme (GHS) will not be applied for April, May and June as originally planned. Extension of the deadline submission of the […]

General Healthcare System (GHS) Contribution Increase

As per the National Health System Law of 2001 89(I)/2001 and as amended in 2017, a national health system was introduced in Cyprus aiming to provide to the population equal access to a holistic health care system. Contributions to the GHS are deductible from the employer’s taxable income and of the individuals’ taxable income. The […]

New Penalty Fees by the Cyprus Registrar of Companies

Below is the list of charges that will be in force on 18 December 2019 in case of late registration.   FOR COMPANIES   1. Transfer of Shares:  Any transfer of shares of a private company with a share capital shall be notified to the Registrar of Companies within fourteen (14) days from the registration […]

New Non-Domiciled Rules in Cyprus

Non-dom Cyprus

Forward As part of the overall exertion to improve Cyprus’ attractiveness as an international business and financial center, and in order to remain highly compliant as a traditional jurisdiction, the House of Representatives on 16 July 2015 passed a number of new laws. One of the changes, introduced the new status of a “non-domicile” (non-dom) […]

Polskie regulacje w sprawie opodatkowania dochodów uzyskiwanych poprzez kontrolowaną spółkę zagraniczną

przepisy CFC

Z dniem 1 stycznia 2015 r. weszły w życie przepisy przewidujące opodatkowanie przez polskich podatników dochodów uzyskiwanych poprzez zagraniczne spółki kontrolowane (Controlled Foreign Corporation – CFC).   Zgodnie z polską ustawą o podatku dochodowym od osób prawnych za zagraniczną spółkę uznaje się: osobę prawną, spółkę kapitałową w organizacji, transparentną podatkowo spółkę, jeżeli jest traktowana przez […]