Georgia for business

Georgia Tbilisi tax incentives company incorporation free zone IBCCS TAX Cyprus

Attractive transit location with easy access to Europe, the Black Sea coast, and the Caucasus Mountain range, as well as delicious cuisine and wine. These are not the only advantages of Georgia that make more and more companies locating there. Why Georgia? Following a severe economic slump in 2015, the Georgian economy has been able […]

Personal Income Tax Return

Individual Tax Return deadline 2020 2021 IBCCS TAX Cyprus

Individual Income Tax Return Submission Obligation Individuals with gross income that falls under the criteria of Article 5 of the Income Tax Law (i.e., dividends, interest, and certain other income) must file a personal income tax return (Form T.D.1). According to the decree issued on July 09, 2021, in the Republic’s official gazette, the Council […]

Global CIT rate of min. 15%

Global CIT 15% OECD IBCCS TAX Cyprus

130 countries and jurisdictions, representing more than 90% of global GDP, have agreed on 1st of July 2021 on a new two-pillar proposal to overhaul international tax regulations and ensure that multinational corporations pay their fair share of tax wherever they operate. At a turning point for the global economy, the Organization for Economic Co-operation […]